Chaos Central Station

Lord Cookie's Colourful Chaos

major discomforts

very detailed talk about abuse of any kind (some are okay if it's fictional, completely fictional)animal abuse (wth no)talk of self-harm (you know who you are and it was uncalled for)

minor discomforts

talking about my past bullying (okay if 1 know you well)being told that 1 did something wrong without explainingyellingbeing called emotional or a crybabymade fun of for my phobiasmy interests being judged unfairly

Chaos Central Station

about me


bold is preferred/loved
nicknames: cookie, lord cookie, gavin, connor, chlobosans, chlobo, chobo, chobo wobo, crumble, charlie.

Writing quirk: I (when referring to myself) = 1

How to tell how you are talking to

Here are ways to tell who's speaking to you! (normally there will be a signature/sign-off but sometimes we forget-)

Cookie (they/them is safest though please ask! It changes a lot):
Grammar changes quite a bit. Abbreviations.
Mainly smiley faces or sad faces.
No emojis (unless jokingly).
Some misspelling (1 don't check).
Not many tone indicators (let them know to use them around you though!)

- Cookie :)/:] / Cookie

Gavin (he/him normally, if he appears mid-convo, try your best to adapt but it won't matter too much.):
Grammar is normally correct (very few mistakes, checks frequently).
Not many abbreviations but sometimes if he is busy.
Lots of emoticons (to get points across).
Occasionally emojis.
Tries not to misspell (and will normally correct himself.)
Tone indicators (same reason as emoticons.)

- Gavin.

Crumble (just ask, they love talking about themselves.)
Grammar is horrid (forgive them, they're 3-7 years old.)
Lots of abbreviations (they can't spell-)
Lots of emoticons, everywhere. (mainly simple ones like "uwu")
Emojis, sometimes.
Misspelling galore (again forgive them).
They struggle with tone indicators but they try.

- crumble :3 (or some other emoticon) / crumble.

Charlie (he/they/slime/twig/stick):
Lots of dots after sentences.
Not many exclamation marks.
Not many capitals.
No capital is (they don't use the writing quirk sometimes-)

/- charlie..

bold is brainrot (meaning: 1 cant and wont stop thinking about it)

SLIMECICLE OMGHamilton (again)dream smplokidetroit become human (PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT IT OML-)undertale (it attacked me again oh no-)mcytsdrawing/animating (as per usual)kandi (1 am so excited to get beads)roleplaying (especially as characters from brain rot :0)cosplaying (especially as my characters or characters from brain rot :])decora (1m already slightly decora, 72 accessories at time of writing)colours, very bright coloursfurbiessss (mainly long furbies)my s/o <<333kitties, doggies, animalssander sides (thomas sanders in general)vinesanimation memessnowwwwwchristmas and halloween (1ve been thinking about it all year-)STUFFED ANIMALS!!!!!ranboo and tubbohyperpopglitchcorekidcoregothemoscenemost alt cultures tbh y'all look cooldeltarunecrystalsherbsjewelrycandlesreal witchcraft

BYF/i (before you follow/info)

1 am quite sarcastic and make a lot of jokes so lemme know if 1 go too far.
1 keyboard smash all the time- its a way of me getting emotions out.
using tone indicators isn't necessary but its nice (tell me if 1 should use them with you).
1 go on tangents about my brainrots/interests so 1 apologize for that (let me know if you are uncomfortable).
1 use caps a lot.
tell me if u need something tw.
1 use a lot of emoticons and emojis
1 might disappear for a bit, 1m not avoiding you, 1 probably just forgot, got busy or 1 needed a break.
tell me if you are uncomfortable with talking with either crumble/cookie/gavin/charlie.
1 talk about gore quite a bit sometimes, let me know if you are not okay with that

dni (do not interact)

(you get the point)
"all lives matter"
"blue lives matter"
p3dophile/MAP/MAP apologist
n*zis (1ve had one try to interact with me, reason why its on here)
pro-life (dont care barbara)
anti-vax (youre dumb)
pro-ed (no, get help please /gen)
says slurs (even if you can reclaim them, please don't use them around me)
soft dni - swearing (1 prefer not)
overly religious (pushing religion onto others)
soft dni - overly political (if you're left wing)
overly political (if you're right wing)
"oNlY tWo GeNdErS eXiSt!!11!" fades out of existence
anti-agere/sexualize sfw age regression (1 hate you personally).

otherlinks (linking/kinning something just because) coping links (kinning something as coping ((1 do it for stress)) )

bold is otherlink, italic is coping link
Connor (detroit become human, 1 kin him for both :])RK900 (detroit become human)c!ranboo (dream smp)ghostbur (dream smp)slimeciclepapyrus (undertale)asriel (undertale)ralsei (deltarune)remus (sander sides)janus (sander sides)Lancer (deltarune)mimikyu (other kin, pokemon)sans (not sure what kin, but very connected)c!quackity (kinsidering, dream smp)